To regenerate your energy

Let’s face it, there is a reason why we all crave vacations.

Life can be exhausting. Getting thru the day to day can be taxing on the mind and on the body. We are often left feeling depleted of all of our energy.

Vacations are a reason to take a break. They are an excuse to set work and responsibilities aside for a little while and to reboot.

Taking some time for yourself will do this for you too. A ME-cation will allow your body the time that it needs to regenerate your vitality. To rebuild the stores of energy needed to face the challenges that day to day life can bring.

Give yourself a break so that you can return feeling refreshed and restored.

Some of you may be arguing a me-cation in your head, but here is all I have to say about that.

A soul that is balanced and refreshed is a soul that is better able to take care of others.

It is true what they say on the plane about putting your oxygen mask on first. How on earth are you going to take care of others if you are passed out on the floor unconscious?

Put on your oxygen mask and get away for a little me time. Your family will survive a couple of days without you. I promise 🙂

I’ll leave you with this great quote that I found on Pinterest from  The Red Fairy Project.


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Great advice for all of us I think.

No excuses!  It’s time to make some time for you so that you can center and regenerate.

There is no doubt in my mind that you not only need it, but you deserve it!



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