best marriage advice ever - married and naked

I recently went to a wedding. And, while I love all weddings, this one really special.

Not only was it beautiful because of the gorgeous location and the love of this fantastic couple, but it stood out to me because of what the officiant told them.

Now, this was not your typical officiant. This was a close friend of the bride who, specifically for this wedding, received his certificate to be a wedding officiant online.

But, despite his lack of experience as an ordained officiant, he had, by far, some of the best marriage advice ever!

As a married man himself, his words came from a place of experience and wisdom.

I just wanted to share with you some of what he said. Maybe you will find his words as valuable as I did.

“When we think about the perfect marriage, we often think of the good times, of happiness, of laughter, and of growing old together.

And while those are parts of a marriage, they’re not the whole picture. They’re just the bright spots. . .  The true strength of a marriage is forged during the dark times.

Health is easy, but sickness is where you prove your commitment. Richer is fun. But poorer demands profound unity and understanding. All of the shared experiences and emotions will leave you vulnerable to each other in ways you’ve never been vulnerable to anyone.

And you will hurt one another, and learn to forgive one another, time and time again.

But over the years, all of that hard work will make your relationship stronger and your life richer. . .

You are both exactly who you were yesterday; and that is the person your new spouse fell in love with.

Remember that, and strive always to be the best version of that person you can be. Keep supporting one another to be that person you each fell in love with, and help each other to grow rather than to change.

Take time to stop and appreciate where you’ve been and where you’re going; but make a point of doing it together.

Remember to be kind to each other, just because. And remember to stop and appreciate those tender moments.

Remember that whether a thought is spoken or not, it is a real thing, and has powers of reality. Be mindful of your thoughts, honest in your actions, and gentle with your words.

And remember to work together to actively build the future you want for yourselves everyday.”

There you have it. Very wise words from a man named Seth offering some of the best marriage advice ever!

If these words are taken to heart, this marriage will be off to a great start.

I’m curious, what is the best marriage advice you ever received?


Married and Naked

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