For “Get Naked Friday” this week, let’s talk food!

I don’t know about you, but I start heading to the pantry for a snack right around 3:00 every day.  Almost like clock work.  It is always around that time that I start to feel sluggish and hungry.  Do you get that way sometimes too?

This week I asked my personal trainer, Melissa, to share with you and I one of her favorite afternoon snacks.  

She says eating every few hours is important so don’t feel bad about feeling hungry.   But, she does recommend staying away from processed snacks like crackers, granola bars, or chips.  She says the best food to eat is the food that comes from the Earth.

One of her favorite snacks?

Blueberries and Almonds

energy boost

A handful of each is all you need for a healthy pick me up.

Blueberries and Almonds are considered among the elite in super-foods.  But, why are they good for a healthy afternoon pick me up for when you feel that mid-afternoon low? 

Well, blueberries provide a good amount of complex carbohydrates.  Now these are the good kind of carbohydrates.  Unlike the quick high and low that you get from baked goods and sugary drinks, berries will give you a lasting boost that will help carry you to your next meal.  You won’t find yourself crashing after a handful of blueberries.   Almonds too, are packed with essential nutrients, but for a mid afternoon snack they are  a great source of protein and that will help you feel fuller longer.

Always pay attention to portions. A little goes a long way, especially when it comes to calorie dense nuts.   A small handful of each and you are good to go until dinner time.

 What is your favorite afternoon snack?

Remember to treat yourself good this weekend.  Make good food choices and get your body moving.  Your confidence and your marriage will thank you for your it!

Let’s Get Naked!


Trainer Melissa Maher Mata

Meet my amazing personal trainer, Melissa Maher Mata. She is a Certified Personal Trainer through the American Council on Exercise (ACE). Has an educational background in Kinesiology, specializes in Men and Women’s weight loss, Body sculpting, Children’s fitness programs and Prenatal-Postnatal training.

You can learn more about how to live a healthy lifestyle by following Melissa on Instagram @perfectionfitnessstudio

You can check out her studio at