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We have all seen it, the couple that is focused on their phones rather than talking to each other, or the couple that sits together over dinner and doesn’t say a word to each other.   We have also witnessed the couple that sits over their meal arguing, easily wasting precious date time together by spending it bickering.  Does this sound all too familiar?
Research shows that couples that make date nights a part of their regular routine are proven to have longer lasting and healthier marriages. In order to accomplish this in your own marriage, you need to, not only, have regular date nights, but you need to make your date nights meaningful.

Here are three important date night rules for married couples to help keep date night fun and meaningful.

Rule #1
Make date nights special.  When you were first getting to know each other and going on dates, you used to treat dates as an event.  Dating your spouse should be no different.  Get dressed up, buy flowers, smell nice, wear heels, and make plans.  Make a little bit of extra effort to show that this time together is important and valued.

Rule #2
Make an agreement to not talk about the children, work, money or any other touchy subjects that might plague everyday conversation.  This may sound silly, but it is really important.  Bringing any stressors into the conversation can easily lead your time together down the wrong path.  Keep the date light and fun. Take this time together to let it all go and strictly focus on each other. 

The question you might ask me now is, “If we don’t talk about children, work or money, what do we talk about?”  That leads to rule #3!

Rule #3
Take advantage of the time and get to know your spouse even better than you think you already do.  Before you were married, you would spend endless hours getting to know each other.  Being married doesn’t mean that sense of interest and wonder has to end. 

One of my favorite things to do on date night is ask each other silly questions.  Here are five questions that are guaranteed conversation starters and will help you and your spouse have fun and keep the conversation focused on you.  Try these on your next date night. 
•    If you were a superhero, what super power would you choose to have? Why?
•    If someone were making a movie about your life, what actor or actress would you want to play you?
•    If we won a $10,000,000 lottery, what would you want to do with the money?
•    What are the top 5 things on your bucket list?
•    If you were hosting a dinner and could have any 3 people you wanted to around your dinner table, living or dead, whom would you want to invite?

If your relationship is anything like mine, date nights don’t happen nearly as often as you would like.  All the more reason to make the dates you do have fun and meaningful.  Make it special, focus only on the two of you and most of all remember what it is like to enjoy each other’s company.
