4 Father's Day Gifts Your Man Will Love!

It seems to me that Father’s Day does not get the attention it deserves. It has traditionally taken a serious backseat to Mother’s Day.  

Maybe it is because Father’s Day didn’t become a National Holiday until 58 years after we decided to annually celebrate our Mom’s. Maybe it is because, traditionally, mothers have taken on the role to care and nurture while Father’s carried the burden of being the provider.

The roles of tradition from the past, however, have changed. Fathers have increasingly taken on the juggle of provider and caregiver and are proving themselves to be as worthy as mothers and, apparently, this shift has not gone unnoticed.

Recent studies have shown that Americans are gradually spending more, every year, on Father’s Day than year’s previous. American’s have become increasingly aware that thanking our dads for all that they do for us is just as important and thanking our moms.

Is your husband an amazing dad who has stepped up to the challenge of balancing work and family? Maybe he has taken on the role of caregiver while you head to work. 

Every family is unique and special with Dad playing his own vital role.

Are you feeling the need to shower hubby with a little extra love this Father’s Day? If so, here are some ideas to help your husband feel loved and appreciated this Father’s Day.

Time Alone

Sure it is important for the kiddos to be able to celebrate Father’s Day with their Dad. Once that is done, though, it would be nice to give Hubby some time to himself. Take the kids for an afternoon to the park while Dad stays home to do as he pleases. He can watch TV without interruption; take a nap, whatever he would like. My husband loves to watch an “R” rated action movie with the surround sound turned to full blast when the kids are out of the house. Whatever his preference, give Husband time to enjoy without any agenda or interruption.


One of my husband’s favorite gifts, for any holiday, is a massage. This could mean sending him to a nice spa for a therapeutic massage or it could mean something more intimate at home. Buy some good body oil and try your hand at being masseuse for an evening.  

Taking the time to pamper husband will help him feel relaxed and cared for on his special day.

Tickets to a ball game

Last year, for Father’s Day, the ladies in our family got together and bought the husbands tickets to a baseball game. This was a big hit. It provided them quality time to hang out with the men while they left their worries behind for a few hours.

The only decision they had to make was whether to order garlic fries or a chili-dog.  If he is a sports fan, this is the perfect gift.

Arrange time with the boys

If the ballpark isn’t your husband’s idea of a good time, then think of some other ways to help him get in some good old-fashioned male bonding. Maybe arrange for him and his friends to get together for a poker game at the house. Stock the fridge and pantry with their favorite foods and drinks.

The ladies and children can head to the park for a play day while the boys live it up at home. If poker is not his thing, golf might be more his style. Send him golfing with his Dad or a close friend.  

My husband’s favorite way to hang with the guys is playing basketball. On Father’s Day I give him the time he is always desiring to head to the park for a pickup game.

Whatever it may be for your husband, the idea is to give him some time to hang with the boys without judgment or time limits. I guarantee he will appreciate it.

No matter what you decide to do for your husband this Father’s Day, just remember to be thoughtful in your decisions. Gifts don’t always have to come wrapped with a bow. Be attentive, creative and, most important; make sure your husband feels appreciated for being an awesome Daddy!





