3 PEOPLE YOU NEED In your life right now

It’s Friday!   YEESSSS!  

My favorite day of the week.

As I have mentioned to you before, I am gearing up for my first 10k.  It is this Sunday.

Am I ready?  No!  Not nearly as ready as I would like to be.

When I should have been training, I was spending a week doing nothing on the beach in Cancun ( no complaints there ).  When I should have been training, I was spending 5 days feeling depressed that I was no longer in Cancun (definitely unmotivated to run).  When I should have been training, I was spending the week on the couch suffering from migraines.

That leads me to Sunday when I told my husband, “I don’t think that I can run this 10k.  I’m not ready.”   And to this Wednesday when I told my trainer, Melissa, “I am not ready for this 10K.  I am worried I shouldn’t run.” Guess what?

They weren’t having it.  My excuses fell on deaf ears.

Over the last year-and-a-half I have worked hard to get healthy, to gain self confidence and to push myself harder than ever.   But, if I’m telling you the truth, I didn’t do it alone.   I had help.

Don’t get me wrong.  The will and the desire has to come from me.  Only me.

But, it certainly doesn’t hurt to have some people on your side.

These are the three people you must have in your life in order to truly succeed at your health and fitness goals.

The Supporter

Although my husband plays the role of each of these three characters, above and beyond, he is my supporter.  He is the person that gets me.  He is the one that understands my goals and what they mean to me.  He knows that if I make excuses and don’t follow thru with this 10K  I will regret it.    Most importantly, when I am feeling down on myself, he lifts me with love and compliments. 

Everybody deserves someone like this in their life.  Maybe, for you, it isn’t your spouse but rather a coworker, sibling or friend. If you tell me that you don’t have someone like that in your life, then it is time to make some life changes.  It is time to put yourself out there for new experiences and friendships. 

One place to start is a small fitness club or exercise classes.  This is a great place to find people that will notice and support your efforts and cheer you on.

The Challenger

My challenger is my trainer.   She has become an essential part of my life over the last year and a half.    She pushes me both physically and mentally.  She has helped me build muscle, loose fat, gain confidence and love myself (most days). Thru her her tough love I have learned that I am far more capable than I ever thought possible.  She pushes me to fatigue and fills my soul with pride.

It is important to have someone in your life that does the same.  Someone who pushes you beyond your excuses.  Someone that tells you to, “Just do it!” Someone who reminds you of the goals you set and gives you a kind but firm push towards them.  Someone that holds you accountable.  This may be a trainer, a fitness instructor, a friend, a family member, or an acquaintance on Facebook. 

If there is not someone like that yet in your life then it is time to find someone that you can be Accountable Buddies with.  Ask around.  Is there someone that you know that wants to make some changes in their health and fitness as well?  Agree to hold each other accountable to your goals.  You challenge them and they challenge you.  It’s a win win.

The Ally

My ally is my Sister.  Though, like my husband, she often plays all three roles, she is a trusted ally.   We enjoy doing activities together.  Together we take dance classes, meet at the gym, take kick-boxing, and recently she has been coming to my personal training sessions with me.   It is always more fun to have her by my side, suffering thru the plank hold with me.

Having an ally to participate in your fitness routine will help you increase your motivation, keep you motivated and help you work harder.  And on top of all of that, you will have more fun.

Check around and see who would like to become your health and fitness ally and increase your odds of success and perseverance significantly.

Changing your lifestyle is difficult.  It is hard to find the motivation and it super easy to make excuses.   Find success in your health and fitness routines by surrounding yourself with people that lift your spirits, challenge your goals, and stand by your side.  You will reap the benefits body and soul.

Wish me luck on Sunday!


Married and Naked

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Meet my amazing personal trainer, Melissa Delila Maher. She is a Certified Personal Trainer through the American Council on Exercise (ACE). Has an educational background in Kinesiology, specializes in Men and Women’s weight loss, Body sculpting, Children’s fitness programs and Prenatal-Postnatal training.

You can learn more about how to live a healthy lifestyle by following Melissa on Instagram @perfectionfitnessstudio

You can also check out her studio and subscribe to her monthly newsletter at http://www.perfectionfitnessrc.com