I Am Glad to be Here

There is nothing like having to have a terrifying procedure done, at the hospital, to throw your life in perspective.  This past Thursday, I had a procedure done called a Catheter Ablation for SVT and AFIB.  Basically, that means my heart would go crazy on me.  It would beat out of rhythm and far too […]

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Time Away is Good

Here is something that I have learned from being married for 13 years. . . Time away is good. I remember when we first got married, my husband would travel a lot.  I would whine about it.   I hated him traveling.  I didn’t want to be left alone.  I would make him feel bad […]

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Life Is Precious

My cousin was found dead in her apartment this morning.  Wow!  It is hard to grasp that reality.   I am incredibly sad for her mother, for her sister.   I find it impossible to fathom the depths of their shock and their pain.  I am sad for unspoken words, unfinished business, unfulfilled dreams. Such news makes […]

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He Will Never Change!

For as long as I can remember, my husband and I have had the same fights.  I mean, we fight about a lot of things, but there are two things that we always fight about. Money and sex.  Do you fight about them too? I am going to leave the sex argument for another time. […]

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Do You Sleep Together?

I was flipping through one of my magazines this morning while enjoying a moment of peace over my oatmeal.  I came across an article on how couples sleep together.    Do they go to sleep at the same time, share the same bed, do they sleep cuddled together or facing away from each other?  What […]

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A Word, Or Two, About Date Night

The infamous “Date Night.”   What does that mean to you? Here is what I have found to be true.  My husband and I  usually use the weekend to catch up with each other.  To hang out late and watch movies.   To catch up on some romance that is severely lacking during the week.  We sometimes get one of the grandparents to […]

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