My cousin was found dead in her apartment this morning.  Wow!  It is hard to grasp that reality.   I am incredibly sad for her mother, for her sister.   I find it impossible to fathom the depths of their shock and their pain.  I am sad for unspoken words, unfinished business, unfulfilled dreams.

Such news makes one ponder their own life and those things that are precious to me.  It reminds me how very fragile life is.  How very precious each and every moment is.

It fills my soul, not only with sadness, but also with tremendous gratitude today.  For my husband, children, family and friends.  I am reminded how easily one’s life can be turned upside down.  That it only takes a single instant and everything that you once knew and loved could be taken away.

I am the kind of person that worries all the time.  I worry for my husband and children’s safety constantly.  The moment my husband walks out the door, I say a little prayer that he will arrive where he is going safely.  I am a worst case scenario kind of girl.  There is no tragedy that my imagination has not played out.

Even though my worry extends to every member of my family, this blog is about my marriage,  so I feel the need to focus on my husband for a moment.  To send out a few words of gratitude his way.

Husband, I am forever grateful for you.  Thank you for sharing this journey with me.  For standing with me.  For listening to me.  For being silly.  For supporting me.  For making me laugh. For raising a family with me.  For being an amazing father. For loving me with unwavering devotion.  For growing with me.  For building a future with me.  For being, without question, my very best friend.  I love you more that words could ever fully express.  I know I have said it to you, but it doesn’t hurt to say it over and over to make certain that you would never question my love for you.  Thank you for being my forever partner.

Have you said those important words to your spouse today?  I know most of us let many days go by without expressing our love and gratitude to each other.  But, death reminds us to not take for granted those who are most dear to us.  To make sure they know how you feel.  To say it out loud.  To forgive.  To hug. To say “I love you.”  To say, “Thank you.”

Life is precious.  Moments are dear.  We should seize this very moment.  Fill our hearts with gratitude for all things cherished.  Share your gratitude with those you treasure.

In memory of you, Robyn.
